:: Indian Association for the Study of conservation of Cultural Property ::
The Indian Association for the Study of conservation of Cultural Property established in 1966 is one of the oldest and reputed scientific organizations of the country. Since its inception, it has contributed significantly towards developments in the field, particularly in areas of preservation, conservation and other aspects as research in country. The Association publishes a journal, "Conservation of cultural property in India" for the last 43 years and holds a National convention annually in coordination with well established centers related to the field in the country. At present, there are more than 250 life and annual members of the Association. The membership included professional conservators working in various Government institutions or independently outside the ambit of Government and any institutions. Conservation of cultural property in India , by publishing peer reviewed original research findings and research reviews from researchers in India and abroad, has been acquired as respectable status among national and international scientific research periodicals in the world.
:: IASC Journals ::

“Conservation of Cultural Property in India” is the journal of Indian Association for the Study of Conservation of Cultural Property (IASC), the professional body of Art Conservators in India. IASC is giving away the back issues of the journals between 1975 (Volume 9) and 2016 (Volume 41). They are being offered free of cost to interested institutions and individuals, upon payment of only the packaging and postage charges.

Those who are interested, are requested to write to aparajitha.vr@gmail.com (Aparajitha V.R., Member, Executive Committee, IASC) and mention which volume/s they would like to receive. The packaging and postal charges would be communicated to them depending upon the volumes requested.


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Last updated on: 18 March, 2025