:: Aims and Objectives ::
  • To provide professional center devoted to the cause of conservation and study of cultural property including historic, archaeological , ethnographical, artistic, archival and other materials in libraries, manuscript depositories and museums.
  • To co-ordinate the efforts of various centers and to improve knowledge and the methods of conservation of material of various types.
  • To ensure dissemination of technical knowledge and information related to conservation. To achieve this end, the association may organize regular seminars and conferences, bring out appropriate publications and circulate the information by any other means.
  • To make efforts to maintain high standards in the field of conservation.
  • To advise or to help in securing advice through one of its members on all technical matters.
  • To maintain contact with other bodies in India and abroad, with similar aims and objectives, examples are IIC, ICOM committee for museum laboratories, the ICOMOS, Rome centre, the ICOM Indian national commission and the museum association of India.
  • To create an awareness among the public in order to save the cultural heritage
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Last updated on: 01 July, 2024