:: 40th Annual Conference ::

The 40th Annual General Conference on Recent advances in
Preventive Conservation of Museum Collection at Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

The 40TH National Conference on the theme “Recent Advances and Preventive Conservation of Museum Collections”. Organized by the Department of Museology held at AMU in collaboration with Indian Association for the Study of Conservation of Cultural Property, New Delhi , National Museum , Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India. In Conference Hall Administrative Block, AMU Aligarh from 5th-7th February 2008 .

The inaugural function on 5th Feb, began with the welcome note by Prof. Absar Mustafa Khan, Dean Faculty of Life Sciences, AMU who welcomed and introduced the delegates about the different department and courses run by the University, the history of the Museology Department of the University and inspired the young scientists for hard work.Prof. M. V. Nair, President IASC in his introductory remark emphasized on the significance of Preservation and Conservation and distinguished between the right and wrong conservational strategies and also to make certain policies for conservationist.Prof. S. Asif A. Naqvi, Chairman Dept. of Museology explained the relationship between Conservation and Museology, Especially on the human relationship, with objects and memory. He also said that the focus has shifted to Eco-Museology, discussed the global issue in climate change and their impact on diversity of nature sculpture.Mr. S. P. Singh director (conservation) national museum of India outlined in preventive conservation, and the prime areas of the concern. Janab Shahid Mehdi, Ex. Vice chancellor Jamia Millia Islamia and Vice President ICCR “International Council for Cultural Relation explainedin his speech the need for public private participation in conservation effect, glamorizing the subject by using the media to sensitize the society for the significance of cultural heritage. He ended up saying the there is need of cultural extension to achieve these goals.
While inaugurating the conference , Prof. Badre Alam, Vice Chancellor, AMU Aligarh said the memories of past reflected in museums which helps the society to understand the present and improve the future. Inaugural session ends with the vote of thanks from R. C. Jain, Secretary, IASC.

Conference technical sessions started with the key note address by Dr O.P. Aggarwal, where he enumerated in detail the latest methods and techniques in preservation and conservation . The session, next to key note was chaired by Dr. M. V. Nair, Director NRLC, in which the following papers presented : “Why Preventive Conservation” by A. s. bisht, Mr. Vikas Revappa Usture, NMI, Delhi, described “Preventive Conservation Practices of Some Museum of New Delhi”,
Manjunathachari R. C. and Shirish Rajmalawar, RCL, Mysore on “Use of Indian Traditional Material in Preservation of Art Objects”.The day ended with visit to Sir Syed Academy, AMU Aligarh and Ibn-Sena Academy, Dodhpur Aligarh. Technical sessions were continued on next day. On the last and 3 rd day of the seminar, excursion tour was made to glass making factories at Khurja , a town famous for pottery and glass.

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